



You can download latest version from here


I just want to create/update markdown files to deploy sites using Git. This blog can run without any SaaS service such as contentful or Strapi

私は、Gitを使用してサイトを展開するためにマークダウンファイルを作成/更新したいだけです。 このブログは、contentfulやStrapiなどのSaaSサービスなしで実行できます。


Node.js and npm

Theme Structure

├──                # README file
├── next.config.js           # Next JS configuration
├── blog.config.ts           # The theme's original configuration
├── next-sitemap.js          # Sitemap configuration
├── public                   # Public folder
│   └── assets
│       └── images           # Image used by the theme
├── components
│   ├── articles             # The components related to article
│   ├── buttons              # The components related to article
│   ├── common               # The common components
│   ├── layouts              # Layout components of the theme
│   ├── sides                # The components related to side column
│   ├── texts                # The components related to texts
│   └── utils                # The utility components
├── contents                 # Markdown files for each contents
├── pages                    # Next JS pages
├── hooks                    # React hooks functions
├── styles                   # Global css directory
├── types                    # Type utilities
├── utils                    # Utility functions
├── .babelrc                 # Babel configuration to extends Next.js
├── .editorconfig            # Editor configuration
├── .eslint                  # JavaScript coding rule configuration
├── tsconfig.json            # TypeScript configuration
├── tsconfig.json            # TypeScript configuration
├── package.json             # Package configuration to install dependencies
├── yarn.lock                # Package configuration to install dependencies
└── vercel.json              # Vercel configuration to deploy the theme

Getting Started

Install the dependencies

$ cd ./path/to/the/project
$ npm install


$ npm run dev

Open https://localhost:3300 with your favorite browser

How to deploy

Create Git Repository on GitHub

First, copy the contents of the theme, and push them to the GitHub

Connect Repository on Vercel

Second, Using the vercel is the easiest way to deploy the site.

Blog Configuration

You can customize the site easily with blog.config.ts

blog.config.ts looks like below.


export default {
  siteLogo: {
    url: "/images/logo.svg",
    width: "201",
    height: "39",
  siteName: "AWESOME",
  title: "AWESOME",
  description: "AWESOME Next.js TypeScript MDX Blog Theme",
  styles: {
    containerMaxWidth: "1280px",
    colors: {
      primary: "#50C0A1",
      primaryGradient: "linear-gradient(to right, #06A9B7, #B0DE87)",
      base: "#F2F4F3",
      border: "",
      bg: "#F7F7F7",
      text: "#2C2C2C",
      grayLighter: "#A0A0A0",
    breakPoints: {
      huge: "1440px",
      large: "1170px",
      medium: "768px",
      small: "450px",
  account: {
    name: "Mr. AWESOME",
    description: "profile here profile here profile here profile here",
    image: `/images/me.png`,
    social: {
      twitter: "<>",
      github: "<>",
  hero: {
    title: "My awesome life",
    image: "/images/plane.jpeg",
    description: "AWESOME Next.js TypeScript MDX Blog Theme",
  navigation: [
      name: "travel",
      url: `/travel`,
      name: "camp",
      url: `/camp`,
  article: {
    defaultThumbnail: "/images/thumbnail.png",
    articlesPerPage: 6,
  categories: [
      id: "camp",
      title: "Camp",
      imagePath: "/images/camp.jpeg",
      description: "Look at my awesome camp life",
      id: "travel",
      title: "Travel",
      imagePath: "/images/london.jpeg",
      description: "Look at my awesome travel life",
  tags: [
      id: "london",
      title: "London",
      id: "boston",
      title: "Boston",
      id: "paris",
      title: "Paris",
      id: "fire",
      title: "Fire",
      id: "sky",
      title: "Sky",
  • siteLogo the header logo image and its size
  • siteName the site name for the SEO and OGP
  • title the title tag
  • description the description for the top page
  • styles the site CSS
  • account the blog author info
  • hero the hero image of the top page
  • navigation the header navigation
  • article.defaultThumbnail the default thumbnail of the each articles
  • article.articlesPerPage the number of the article of the each index pages
  • writers
  • categories
  • tags
  • How to write articles

    Add mdx file

    Add mdx files on the following path contents/***/index.mdx

    The *** part will be the slug of the article


    Each articles can have meta info via frontmatter like belows.

    title: Awesome - Next.js Blog Theme
    date: 2021-09-18
    writtenBy: steelydylan
    category: themes
    tags: ["about"]
    related: []
    thumbnail: /images/awesome.png
  • title the title of the article
  • date written date of the article
  • writtenBy the author of the article
  • category the category of the article, it should be defined on the blog.config.ts
  • related related articles of the article, it should be the article slugs array
  • thumbnail the thumbnail image of the article
  • description the description of this article
  • License

    MIT License